Morning Blend on Mater Dei Radio: “Retiree Regrets”
Retirement has it’s fair share of new beginnings and excitement, but that’s not to say it doesn’t come with regrets over time. After years of working with individuals plan for and subsequently retire, Ashley has been able to narrow down the most common regrets among retirees.
The first regret seen most often is starting social security too early. You need to be careful about when you start it, if it’s not at full retirement age, you will receive a permanent reduction in benefits. This applies to surviving spouses as well.
The second most common regret is not planning for healthcare costs properly. Before the age of 65, its up to the individual to find their own healthcare. Once you are 65, while you are eligible for Medicare, it’s not entirely free. It’s important to consider those additional costs when planning for retirement.
Finally, retirees often regret having complicated assets or investments. Maybe it involves real estate, non-marketable securities, etc. If you have complicated assets like real estate, you should ask yourself if it’s something you want to manage long term. Not only you, but is your spouse or children ready to manage this as well?
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